Tuesday 18 October 2011

Accutane Day 1 (Oct. 18, 2011)


  1. I think it's such a shame how much you are concerned that your acne is affecting your appearance. I think you are quite attractive if I may say so. Your voice is absolutely incredible and I wish you luck on your acne! I used to have it really bad but I tried proactiv and it seemed to work. My sister went on acutaine and it worked for her too! I have tried so many things in the past.. Prozac, benzoyl peroxide, Salicylic Acid... Salicylic Acid seems to work best on my back acne. I buy it in body washes with 2 or 3 percent salicylic acid. But proactiv definitely worked best on my face acne. I don't know why I'm ranting on here. You probably wont even read this. anyways good luck!

  2. I'm way too insecure for my own good. That is my problem. It's really tough for me to get over it. Thank you btw. I appreciate your kind words and support. :) For me, it was beyond frustrating to not find anything (other than accutane) that would work. I spent over $700 in two months looking for the right damn thing. I am on day 9 with accutane now and I'm already seeing dramatic results. Thank you again for reading!
    -David G.
